MONEY WILL FLOW LIKE CRAZY! (How to Manifest Success & Riches) | Dr. Joe Dispenza


Imagine waking up every morning feeling grateful, loving life, and filled with passion. Imagine feeling so abundant and fulfilled that you no longer have to search for happiness because it feels like it’s already happened. That’s what it means to live a life of abundance, and it’s something that we all want, but how do we get there?

Well, it all starts with a vision. When you have a vision that truly resonates with you, it creates a feeling that’s almost indescribable. It’s a visceral feeling that’s so strong, no person, no thing, and no experience will stand in the way between you and that vision. And when you feel that feeling, you’ll be initiated by the universe into wealth, health, and freedom.

Hello and welcome to Create Quantum Wealth, where we inspire you to manifest wealth and abundance. Join the future millionaires’ club by subscribing to this channel.

All those cars, homes, and other material possessions are just symbols of what abundance looks like. They help you associate with the feeling of abundance, but they’re not the end goal. For some people, abundance means having more than they need and being happy with that. For others, it’s about having everything they want. There’s no right or wrong way to approach it.

The key is to associate those material things with the feeling of abundance and use them as tools to help you get into an emotional state of already having achieved your goals. It’s not about waiting for those things to happen to feel better. It’s about feeling better now so that you can draw those experiences to you.

Your thoughts and your feelings create your state of being. If you wake up in the morning and start thinking about all the problems in your life, you’ll feel unhappy, bitter, and frustrated. Your body will be in the past, and you’ll create a state of being that’s connected to your past. You’ll crave the predictable future and fall back into routine.

But wait. Pause here for a minute & pay close attention. We’re going to introduce to you a technique, practicing which, day after day, you’ll start to see a difference in your life. You’ll start feeling better, more energized, and more fulfilled.

We want you to get clear on your vision of the future and combine that clear intention with an elevated emotion. The stronger the emotion you feel from the vision you’re creating, the more you’ll pay attention to the pictures in your mind. You’ll remember your future, and biologically, it’s exactly the same as remembering your past.

If you’re not being defined by a vision in the future, it means you’re making your past more real than your future. You’re falling in love with your past, and you’re believing in your past more than your future. When you get to that moment where you have that feeling, that’s your compass. That feeling is going to drive your behaviors and more of those thoughts. 

So, there you have it. The state of being and the importance of emotions in achieving your goals. Use those material things as tools to help you get into an emotional state of already having achieved your goals. Remember, it’s not about waiting for those things to happen to feel better. It’s about feeling better now so that you can draw those experiences to you. 

It’s crazy to think that losing internet connection or having a phone that doesn’t work can lead to frustration and anger within just 20 seconds. But that’s the reality we’re living in. We’re used to having things done quickly and efficiently, without having to put in too much effort.

However, it’s important to remember that creating something out of nothing takes patience and effort. It’s not just about the end result, but the steps you take to get there. You need to be out of the bleachers and on the field, giving it your all every day, and overcoming challenges. It’s about keeping your energy up and not letting external circumstances affect your inner drive.

Many times, we blame others for our own failures, whether it’s our boss, co-worker, or ex. But in reality, we’re just victimizing ourselves and not taking responsibility for our own lives. It’s important to learn from our mistakes and take control of our own energy and attention. This learning process is the most important, as it helps us clear out room for the next creation to be easier.

Emotions are energy in motion, and we share the same experiences and emotions with others. It’s easy to get caught up in negativity and use others to reaffirm our attachment to negative emotions. But in order to break free from that negative energy, we need to use a greater energy that’s stronger than what’s holding us together.

That’s where consciousness and awareness come in. Changing our energy requires a change in our level of consciousness, and once we change our energy, we change our lives. So let’s take responsibility for our own energy and attention, and let’s break free from the victim mindset. Remember, it’s not about falling off the horse, it’s about getting back on and keeping going.

We all have that one person who we just can’t stand, or who always seems to rub us the wrong way. But have you ever stopped to think about why that is? Maybe it’s because they remind us of a part of ourselves that we don’t like – our addiction to judgment, resentment, or even hatred.

But the thing is, these people and situations in our lives are only there to remind us of who we used to be. They’re not permanent, and they don’t have to define us. In fact, when we start doing the work to change ourselves, these people and situations will naturally fade away, because we no longer need them to reaffirm our negative patterns.

It’s not always easy, though. Sometimes we’re not even aware that we’re doing it – we spend hours visualizing our ideal future, only to sabotage ourselves by slipping back into old patterns of victimization and suffering. But when we start to become aware of these unconscious patterns, and actively work to change them, that’s when things really start to shift.

It’s not just about changing ourselves, though. By changing ourselves, we can actually help others around us to change too. It might be uncomfortable at first, but when we stop reacting to negative behavior and instead choose to respond from a place of positivity and understanding, it can be a game-changer.

So why wait? Why wait until things get so bad that we have no choice but to change? The next time you’re feeling emotionally overwhelmed, take that as a sign to start becoming more self-aware. Put down your phone, turn off the TV, and take some time to really reflect on your patterns and behaviors.

Because the truth is, we all have the power to change. We just have to be willing to do the work. 

Now, imagine waking up every day with a clear intention and an elevated emotion. Imagine feeling a sense of joy and gratitude that fills you up from the inside out. When you change your emotional state to be elevated, you can see the world from a completely different perspective. You can see your old self from an elevated point of view, and become more state conscious than from a limited point of view.

And that’s what we all want, right? We want to live a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment. We want to be our best selves, and show up for our friends, family, and community. So, what do you have to lose? When you start to change, people may start to wonder what’s up with you. Did you change your medication? What’s different about you? But that’s okay, because you’re not predictable anymore.

And that’s the beauty of this technique. When you’re changing, you just stop talking about it. You’re too busy being it. And as you practice this technique, day after day, you’ll start to see a difference in your life. You’ll start feeling better, more energized, and more fulfilled. And it’s not just about feeling good, it’s about making an impact on the world around you.

As you begin to open your heart to life again and trust in your future, you start to self-regulate with your heart. You lead from that place, from that level of awareness. And that’s when your life will change in dramatic ways.

Now, let’s talk about oxytocin, also known as the love hormone. When you practice this technique and elevate your emotional state, your oxytocin levels can increase up to 200 times outside of normal. And the latest research on oxytocin shows that even a slight elevation can make it impossible to hold a grudge.

Think about that for a moment. When you feel amazing, why would you want to hold a grudge against anyone? Forgiveness then becomes a natural side effect of saying, “I don’t want to give up this feeling for you or anybody. So, I’m letting you go, I’m free, and you’re free.”

As you become more aware of your emotional state and practice this technique, you’ll start to experience the natural state of being. This is the place where your heart is open, and you’re free to live your life with purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

So, let’s knock on that door together. Let’s rise above our limitations and become our best selves. Let’s show up for our friends, family, and community, and make an impact on the world around us. 

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