How to Manifest a Specific Person – Neville Goddard

How to Manifest a Specific Person - Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard, one of the greatest teachers of manifestation, had a secret concept that changed his life and the lives of thousands of his followers. A concept that will help you understand how reality works and how to shift into the one you want. A concept that will make manifestation easy and fun for you. And it’s the key to unlocking your manifestation power. But most people don’t know about it or don’t understand it. And they end up frustrated and disappointed with their results. That’s why in this video, I’m going to reveal to you this concept and how you can use it to manifest a specific person in your life.

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You may be curious about this idea. Well, let me tell you, this is the secret to unleashing your manifestation power. This is the idea that reveals how all the methods work and how the universe works. But unfortunately, most people don’t get this idea and they end up feeling frustrated and unhappy with their outcomes. But don’t stress. I’m going to make it easy for you in a simple and straightforward way. Picture this: what if there are endless realities out there and every time you make a decision, you switch into a different one? What if Neville Goddard and all the other spiritual teachers were right when they said that anything you can dream of, you can make? 

This is the idea of parallel reality and quantum hopping. It means that every possible outcome of your choices and actions already exists in a different reality, and you can switch between them by changing your state of mind. Quantum hopping is a technique that allows you to access these parallel realities and choose the one that matches your desired manifestation. You don’t create anything new; you just align yourself with what already exists. You can literally jump into a reality where you have what you want, and experience it as if it was always yours.

But you might wonder: how can we manifest all these things? How can we reach these endless realities? Well, it’s actually very easy once you understand the idea of how creation is done. This is one of Neville Goddard’s most famous and powerful teachings. He said that everything that ever was, is, or will be already exists in the eternal now. There is nothing new to create, only to choose. This idea might shock you, but it’s the truth. If everything is already made, then why are we still trying to make things? If everything is already ours, why do we still want them? Why do we still have trouble manifesting our wishes? Think about it: why do you want to manifest something that is already yours? What are you really trying to do?

Well, let me tell you: you’re trying to change your state of being. You’re trying to move from one reality to another. You see, thoughts are just thoughts. They don’t have any power by themselves. But when you act on a thought, you give it life. You make it real. As Neville said, acting on an idea or thought means shifting into a new reality. We have thousands of thoughts every day, but we only act on a few of them. And those are the ones that shape our lives. Whatever you do, you’re acting on some thought or some idea. And that’s what causes you to change your state. If you visualize, you change your state to match your vision. If you affirm, you change your state to match your words. When creation is finished, it means that every possible state already exists. There is a state where you have no money and a state where you have millions of dollars. There is a state where you’re crying and a state where you’re smiling. There is a state where you have your specific person and a state where you don’t. It’s up to you which state you want to enter. You can enter any state you want because creation is finished and everything is yours. But what determines your fate is your decision to act on a thought.

So, how do you act on a thought? How do you change your state? Well, it’s very easy. You just have to pick the thought that matches the state you want to be in. You have to align your awareness with the reality you prefer. You have to act as if you already have what you want. When you do that, you switch into a parallel reality where your desire is already done. You see, parallel realities exist because everything exists. There are endless versions of you and everything else in the universe. Each version has a different reality based on their thoughts and beliefs. There is a version of you that is super rich and a version of you that is super poor. There is a version of you that is happy and a version of you that is sad. There is a version of you that has your specific person and a version of you that doesn’t. You can access any version of you by changing your thoughts and beliefs. You can jump from one reality to another by choosing the one you want. You don’t make anything new; you just select what already exists. This is what quantum physics calls quantum hopping. Moving from one state to another is quantum hopping. This is what Neville Goddard meant when he said that the end of your desire is entering the state of wish fulfilment. This idea is based on quantum hopping.

Now, let’s talk about a very popular topic: how to manifest a specific person using quantum hopping. You might have heard some people say that manifesting a specific person is wrong or impossible. They say that you can’t interfere with someone else’s free will. They say that you can’t make someone love you or be with you. They say that you can only attract someone who is compatible with you. Well, guess what? They’re wrong. According to the idea of infinite realities, manifesting a specific person is not only possible, but also easy and ethical. You see, the person you want to manifest has endless versions of themselves, just like you do. There is a version of them that is crazy about you. There is a version of them that loves you with all their heart and soul. There is a version of them that lives with you and you both have a happy relationship. So when you try to manifest a specific person, you’re not forcing them or controlling them. You’re simply picking the version of them that matches your desire. You’re simply hopping into the reality where you and them are together.

So, how do you choose the version of them that you want? How do you hop into the reality where you and them are together? Well, it’s very simple. You just have to act on the thought that implies that you are already with them. You have to feel the feelings of being in a relationship with them. You have to assume that they love you and want to be with you. You have to act as if they are already yours. When you do that, you shift into the parallel reality where you and them are a couple. You see, the way others treat you and feel about you depends on who you are and what state you’re in. Others are just mirrors of your own consciousness. There is nothing to change but yourself. So by understanding the concept of shifting realities or changing states, you can easily see that you’re not hurting anyone when you manifest a specific person. You’re just saying goodbye to the version of them that doesn’t match your desire and hello to the version of them that does. What’s wrong with that? Do you see any harm in choosing the version of someone that makes you happy? It’s totally fair to choose the version of someone that you love the most. You’re choosing what you want and nothing else. Now, what about the third party? Do you hurt them when you manifest your desired person? Let me tell you this: if you worry about that, you will create problems for yourself and block your manifestation. Look at it this way: there is no third party in your reality. The third party has their own reality where they are happy with someone else. Your specific person and the third party realized that they were not meant for each other and that your specific person belongs to you. What I’m trying to tell you here is that you must always feel at ease when you’re manifesting your desire.

Don’t ever think negatively when you try to manifest anything, because negative thoughts will sabotage your manifestation. The law of assumption is all about believing in your desired outcome and ignoring your current reality. To experience something wonderful, you must give positive meaning to everything. Both positive and negative things exist, because everything exists. So now you have to choose what state you want to be in and what reality you want to live in. You have infinite possibilities and it’s up to you what you want to create. This law of quantum hopping can be applied to anything and everything you desire. You just have to be creative and turn inward instead of looking outward. Be creative and start seeing life as a playground of infinite choices. 

You only need to become aware of your thoughts and things will start working in your favour. When you are aware of your thoughts, make sure you choose only positive ones to act on. If you deliberately or accidentally choose negative thoughts and ideas to act on, you will simply attract misery and unwanted situations into your life. Acting on thoughts and making decisions can make you happy or unhappy. Life is what you make it. You are free to do whatever you want. You have millions of thoughts and each thought leads you to a different reality. But here you have to choose positive thoughts so that you can manifest the things that you love. This is what you’ve been doing since you were born. Whatever has happened in your past was your choice. Nobody forced anything on you and nobody ever will. You are the only one responsible for everything that happens in your life. So be wise and think positively.

I hope you enjoyed this video and learned something new about the concept of parallel realities by Neville Goddard. And of course, this doesn’t mean that we agree with everything he said or taught, because in the end, everyone has their own perspective and that’s why we are exploring and discussing his ideas and methods to better understand his philosophy and techniques. He was a great teacher and inspired millions of people around the world. If you want to share your thoughts or experiences, please leave a comment below this video. Thank you for watching and I’ll see you in the next video.

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