Unlocking Your Inner Explorer: Joe Rogan’s Top Book Recommendations for Mind-Opening Adventures

Have you ever felt like there’s a whole world out there waiting to be explored, but you’re not sure where to start? Look no further than Joe Rogan’s top book recommendations for mind-opening adventures. Rogan, the comedian, podcast host, and avid explorer, is known for his insatiable curiosity and willingness to dive deep into new ideas and experiences. Whether you’re interested in psychedelics, spirituality, science, or the human condition, Rogan’s book list has something for everyone. From classics like “The Doors of Perception” by Aldous Huxley to modern masterpieces like “Sapiens” by Yuval Noah Harari, these books will challenge your assumptions, expand your perspective, and unlock your inner explorer. So, grab a cozy spot and a cup of tea, and get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and intellectual adventure with Joe Rogan’s top book recommendations.

The importance of exploring new ideas and perspectives

Before we dive into the books, let’s take a moment to reflect on why exploring new ideas and perspectives is so crucial. Life can be monotonous, and it’s easy to get trapped in a cycle of work, eat, sleep, repeat. However, by exploring new ideas and perspectives, we can break free from this cycle and discover a world of possibilities.

By reading books that challenge our assumptions, we can expand our minds and gain new insights into the world around us. We can learn from the experiences of others, explore different cultures and ways of life, and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves.

Joe Rogan’s top book recommendations for mind-opening adventures

Now that we understand the importance of exploring new ideas and perspectives let’s dive into Joe Rogan’s top book recommendations for mind-opening adventures.

### “Sapiens” by Yuval Noah Harari

“Sapiens” is a must-read for anyone interested in the human condition. In this book, Yuval Noah Harari traces the history of humankind from the emergence of Homo sapiens in Africa to the present day. He covers everything from the agricultural revolution to the rise of capitalism, and explores how these events have shaped the world we live in today.

Harari’s writing is insightful and thought-provoking, and he challenges many of the assumptions we hold about the world. He also explores the future of humankind and raises important questions about the impact of technology and artificial intelligence on our society.

### “The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide” by James Fadiman

If you’re interested in exploring the world of psychedelics, “The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide” is a must-read. James Fadiman is one of the leading experts on psychedelics, and his book is a comprehensive guide to the safe and responsible use of these substances.

Fadiman covers everything from the history of psychedelic use to the latest research on the therapeutic benefits of these substances. He also provides practical advice on how to prepare for a psychedelic experience, how to navigate the experience itself, and how to integrate the insights gained into your daily life.

### “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield

“The War of Art” is a book about creativity and the struggles we face when trying to create something new. Steven Pressfield explores the concept of resistance, which is the force that holds us back from pursuing our creative endeavors.

Pressfield’s writing is inspiring and motivating, and he provides practical advice on how to overcome resistance and tap into our creative potential. Whether you’re an artist, writer, musician, or entrepreneur, “The War of Art” is a must-read for anyone looking to unlock their creativity.

### “The Selfish Gene” by Richard Dawkins

“The Selfish Gene” is a classic book on evolution and genetics. Richard Dawkins explores the concept of the gene and how it drives evolution. He also challenges many of the assumptions we hold about altruism and selfishness and provides a new perspective on how these behaviors have evolved.

Dawkins’ writing is accessible and engaging, and he provides a fascinating insight into the world of genetics and evolution. Whether you’re a scientist or simply interested in the natural world, “The Selfish Gene” is a must-read.

### “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle

“The Power of Now” is a book about spirituality and mindfulness. Eckhart Tolle explores the concept of living in the present moment and the power that this can bring to our lives.

Tolle’s writing is insightful and thought-provoking, and he provides practical advice on how to live in the present moment and let go of our attachment to the past and future. Whether you’re interested in spirituality or simply looking for ways to reduce stress and anxiety, “The Power of Now” is a must-read.

### “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho

“The Alchemist” is a modern classic that tells the story of a young shepherd boy named Santiago who embarks on a journey to fulfill his dreams. Paulo Coelho’s writing is poetic and inspiring, and he weaves together themes of destiny, purpose, and personal growth.

“The Alchemist” is a book that will leave you feeling inspired and motivated to pursue your dreams. Whether you’re a young adult or simply looking for a dose of inspiration, “The Alchemist” is a must-read.

How to incorporate these books into your reading list

Now that we’ve explored Joe Rogan’s top book recommendations, you may be wondering how to incorporate these books into your reading list. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

– Start with one book at a time. Don’t try to read all of these books at once. Instead, choose one book that speaks to you and focus on reading it from cover to cover.

– Take notes as you read. Jot down your thoughts and insights as you read. This will help you remember the key takeaways from each book and apply them to your life.

– Discuss the books with others. Once you’ve read a book, discuss it with friends, family, or colleagues. This will help you gain new perspectives and insights and deepen your understanding of the book.

– Apply the lessons learned to your life. The most important part of reading these books is applying the lessons learned to your life. Take action on the insights gained and use them to improve your life.

Conclusion and final thoughts

Exploring new ideas and perspectives is crucial for personal growth and intellectual stimulation. Joe Rogan’s top book recommendations for mind-opening adventures are an excellent place to start. Whether you’re interested in psychedelics, spirituality, science, or the human condition, these books will challenge your assumptions, expand your perspective, and unlock your inner explorer.

So, grab a cozy spot and a cup of tea, and get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and intellectual adventure with Joe Rogan’s top book recommendations.

Feeling is Everything!

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where everything seems to be going wrong? Your health is failing, your finances are in trouble, your job is not fulfilling, and your relationships are falling apart. It’s easy to get sucked into a vortex of negative thoughts, and it can feel like there’s no way out. But what if I told you that there’s a simple way to break free from this cycle of negativity and take control of your thoughts and emotions?

The key is to focus on something positive in the present moment. It can be anything – a beautiful flower, your pet, a task you can control, or simply savoring your food. 

Remember, you can’t always control the external circumstances in your life, but you can control your thoughts and reactions. By focusing on something positive in the present moment, you can break free from negative thought patterns and experience a sense of calm and contentment. So take a step back, shift your focus, and appreciate the beauty of the present moment.

It all starts with your emotional state of being. When you focus on feeling good, you attract more positivity into your life. It’s like a snowball effect – the more good vibes you put out, the more good vibes you get back.

But it’s not just about feeling good for the sake of feeling good. It’s about recognizing that your emotional state of being is the only thing that really matters. It’s not about fixing everything that’s wrong with your life or wrestling your body to the ground to make it better. It’s about finding a reason to feel good right now, in this moment.

Choose joy over pain, appreciation over criticism. And as you go about your day, remember that you have the power to choose how you feel. So go ahead and do something about the way you feel. Because in the end, that’s everything.

Are you tired of constantly using your willpower to resist the things you don’t want in your life? What if there was a better way to create the reality you desire? Enter the science of deliberate creation.

Deliberate creation is all about intentionally choosing thoughts that align with the energy of what you want. It’s not about resisting the negative, but rather focusing on the positive. So instead of using your willpower to avoid the donut, use it to choose a thought that makes you feel good and in alignment with your goals.

And don’t just reserve this practice for challenging situations. Start your day with intention by setting the tone for positivity and abundance. Take a moment to appreciate the day ahead of you, and affirm that you will look for things to enjoy and appreciate, no matter where you go or who you’re with.

As you begin to intentionally seek out the good in every situation, you’ll start to see more and more of it. By deliberately choosing positive thoughts and focusing on the good in the world, you’ll start to attract more of what you want into your life. Life is full of wonderful things, and the more you focus on them, the more you’ll experience them. Expect greatness and watch for it, because it’s on its way to you.

So let go of the struggle and start deliberately creating the life you want. It’s not about forcing yourself to resist the negative, but rather about choosing to focus on the positive and aligning your energy with your desires. There’s great abundance here for you, and a world of possibilities waiting to be discovered.

Neville Goddard | Once You Apply This …You Will Manifest Large Sums Of Money – Law Of Attraction

Are you struggling to see any results despite trying various methods to manifest your desires? Neville Goddard’s three-step method for manifestation is highly recommended as the most effective technique. To accelerate the manifestation process, ensure that you watch this video until the end to avoid making any mistakes while practising the method. 

Hey everyone, welcome to Create Quantum Wealth, where we inspire you to manifest wealth and abundance. Join the future millionaires’ club by subscribing to this channel.

As per Neville Goddard’s law of assumption, your thoughts, beliefs, and imagination shape your reality. Your thoughts and imagination have a significant impact on your life and dictate what unfolds next. Many people tend to attribute negative events to external factors or other people, but the truth is, it is often our own assumptions and thoughts that cause us the most harm.

Neville Goddard suggests that by changing our imagination, assumptions, and thoughts, we have the power to transform our reality and entire life. Our actions are influenced by our thoughts, which means that changing our thoughts can lead to better decision-making and improved life outcomes. However, altering our thoughts, beliefs, and imagination is not an easy task. Our beliefs are formed by what we see and observe, and past experiences can shape our subconscious mind, which affects our present and future. It is challenging to prevent our past from impacting our reality.

To manifest our desires, we must remove negative thoughts and beliefs resulting from our past experiences and cultivate positive, desired thoughts in our subconscious mind. This involves identifying and eliminating unnecessary negative thoughts and fostering fresh and positive thoughts that will enable us to make better decisions and choices. By doing so, we can transform our entire life and manifest whatever we desire.

I would like to share with you Neville Goddard’s method for easily and quickly manifesting your desires. Neville Goddard was a renowned manifestation teacher and mystical author. This method comprises three steps. 

The first step in this process is to create a scene related to your goal that you want to manifest. Let’s say your goal is to buy a car, so you will need to create a scene that depicts what happens after you have bought the car you want.

It’s essential to create a scene that feels real to your mind. Our minds can differentiate between reality and fiction, so it’s crucial to make the scene as realistic as possible. For instance, you can imagine yourself driving the car you’ve bought, feeling happy, and receiving congratulations from your family, friends, and colleagues. You can also visualise yourself visiting your favourite places in your new car. The scene should include details like your surroundings, emotions, feelings, and everything that’s happening around you.

To make the scene effective, make sure it’s not too complex and that it portrays yourself realistically. How would you react when your friends congratulate you on buying your dream car? What would you say in response? By creating a scene that feels real, your mind will start accepting the new belief, which will eventually help you manifest your desire.

Let me guide you through the second step, which is crucial in manifesting your desires. Step number two requires you to visualise the scene you have created in the previous step. Visualisation involves using your imagination to bring your desired thoughts to life and turn them into actions that can lead to manifestation.

There are numerous techniques available for visualising your desired scene, and you can choose any method that suits you best. The main objective is to make the scene appear as real as possible in your mind. You can find a quiet spot outside, close your eyes, and start visualising, or you can utilise any other method that you prefer. However, Neville Goddard recommends using his SATS (State Akin To Sleep) technique, which is widely used and considered to be the best approach for visualisation.

SATS is a meditative state that slows down your conscious mind, making it easier to visualise your desires. By imagining your desired scene, you can access this state at any time of the day by following a simple technique to enter into this state. Alternatively, you can practise this technique before going to bed every night because it is easier to enter this state when you are tired, and your mind is less resistant to new thoughts. That’s why experts suggest visualising the scene at night. However, you can also practise the SATS technique while sitting on a chair.

Let’s explore the process of entering a meditative state now. If you are practising this technique at night, make sure you are alone and fully relaxed. Begin by closing your eyes and taking a few long, deep breaths. As you exhale, feel yourself becoming more and more relaxed. Use your imagination to enter into a meditative state, and imagine as if everything is happening right now. Observe the scene, the words being used, and the tone of voice. Internalise it and treat it like a real experience. Your mind may try to distract you, but bring yourself back into the scene and visualise it again. Imagine that you are doing what you want to do and feel as though you are truly in the scene. Use the scene you have created to imagine and experience your desire. Repeat this process until you fall asleep, and practise it daily for faster results. 

Neville Goddard said that once your imagination is accepted as reality by your mind, you will manifest your desire. Relax fully before entering the meditative state, and the more you visualise during this state, the faster your desire will be imprinted on your subconscious mind. The time it takes to impress your subconscious mind varies from person to person, depending on the nature of the desire and the visualisation technique. Consistency is key for quicker manifestation. The effectiveness of your scene and the presence of limiting thoughts in your subconscious mind can also impact the manifestation process. If you have any limiting thoughts, use positive affirmations to eliminate them.

Suppose an individual has experienced past relationship trauma. In that case, reprogramming their mind may require more time and effort than someone who has had positive relationships previously. If you do not notice any changes in your reality, it could mean that you have not yet impressed your subconscious mind or that negative beliefs, assumptions, or limiting thoughts are blocking your manifestation. In such a scenario, it is essential to identify and eliminate your limiting thoughts before attempting this technique.

That concludes today’s video. If you found it helpful, please subscribe and click the bell icon. Feel free to share your thoughts or ideas by leaving a comment below the video. See you in the next one!

You are not who you think you are!

What if I told you that you are not who you think you are? You have been living a lie for most of your life and You have the power to change everything and create your own reality. Would you believe me?

Hey everyone, welcome to Create Quantum Wealth, where we inspire you to manifest wealth and abundance. Join the future millionaires’ club by subscribing to this channel.

Do you know who you are? I mean, really know who you are? Most people don’t. Most people have no idea who they are or what they are here for. They have been programmed by their environment, their parents, their teachers, their friends, and their society to think and act in certain ways. They have been conditioned to live in fear, doubt, worry, and limitation. They have been trained to follow the masses and fit in with the crowd, rather than listening to their own inner voice and following their own dreams.

This is a tragic mistake because it stops us from living our true purpose and potential. You see, you are not your body, your name, your occupation, or your personality. These are just labels that you use to identify yourself in the physical world. But you are much more than that. You are a spiritual being with infinite potential and power. You are a creative genius who can manifest anything you desire. You are connected to the universal intelligence that governs everything in existence.

The way to find out who you are is to study yourself to learn how your mind works and how you can use it to create your reality.

Our mind has two parts: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is the part that thinks, analyses, reasons, and makes decisions. The subconscious mind is the part that controls our habits, emotions, feelings, and actions. The subconscious mind is also connected to the universal mind or God.

The key to success is to align your conscious mind with your subconscious mind. But most people have a conflict between these two parts of their mind. They consciously want something but subconsciously believe they can’t have it or don’t deserve it. They consciously say they want to be rich but subconsciously feel guilty or unworthy of money. They consciously say they want to be happy but subconsciously hold on to anger or resentment.

This conflict creates resistance and blocks the flow of abundance and happiness in your life. You have to impress your subconscious mind with positive images and affirmations of what you want to be, do, and have. You have to repeat these images and affirmations over and over again until they become part of your subconscious programming.

When you do this consistently and persistently, you will start to attract the people, opportunities, resources, and circumstances that match your new vibration. This is how the law of attraction works. Whatever you think about and feel about on a regular basis will manifest in your physical reality.

Another practice is having a clear vision of what you want and writing it down in detail. Write down your goals as if they are already accomplished. Make a vision board with pictures and words that represent your desired outcomes. Look at that vision board every day and visualize yourself living your dream life.

Another principle is taking action every day towards your vision and being flexible and adaptable along the way. Don’t let fear or doubt stop you from doing what you need to do.

One of the most common mistakes that people make when it comes to achieving their goals and dreams is following the crowd. This leads to most people living ordinary lives because they conform to what others are doing. Most people fear being unique, being different, being themselves. Most people settle for less than they deserve.

Success requires going against the crowd. Doing what others won’t do. Taking risks and facing fears. Investing in oneself and one’s growth. Following one’s passion and purpose.

Remember, you are a powerful creature who can achieve anything you set your mind to. So go ahead and create your own reality.

The Wild Rise of an American Tycoon

A college dropout who turned a failing billboard business into a media empire. The creator of the first 24-hour news channel, CNN, and the person who revolutionized the cable television industry. He was known as “The Mouth of the South” and “Captain Outrageous” for his controversial statements and actions. He was one of the most influential and eccentric tycoons in American history. This is the story of Ted Turner.

Ted Turner was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, on November 19, 1938. He was the eldest child of parents Robert Edward (Ed) Turner Jr. and Florence (Rooney) Turner. His father was a successful billboard-advertising magnate who moved the family to Savannah, Georgia when Ted was nine years old. Ted grew up in an affluent but strict household where he was expected to follow his father’s footsteps in the business world. He attended The McCallie School, a private boys’ preparatory school in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where he excelled in sailing and debating. He then enrolled at Brown University but was expelled three years later for having a woman in his dormitory room.

Ted joined the family business in 1960 as the general manager of one of its branch offices in Atlanta. He proved to be a savvy and aggressive businessman who expanded the company’s operations and revenues. In 1963, however, his father committed suicide after suffering from depression and alcoholism. Ted inherited the company, which was worth $1 million at the time, and renamed it Turner Communications Company.

In 1970, Ted made a bold move by purchasing a financially troubled UHF television station in Atlanta for $2.5 million. He turned it into one of the few profitable independent stations in the country by airing popular movies and reruns of old shows. He also introduced innovative programs such as wrestling matches and Atlanta Braves baseball games, which he acquired in 1976 along with the Atlanta Hawks basketball team. In 1975, he used a new communications satellite to broadcast his station nationwide via cable television, creating the first “superstation” in history. He later renamed it TBS (Turner Broadcasting System).

Ted’s ambition did not stop there. In 1980, he launched CNN (Cable News Network), the first 24-hour news channel that covered breaking news from around the world with live reports and interviews. CNN became a sensation during major events such as the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986 and the Persian Gulf War in 1991, attracting millions of viewers and advertisers. In 1988, Ted created TNT (Turner Network Television), another cable network that featured original dramas and movies as well as classic films from his own library. He also founded other channels such as Cartoon Network, TCM (Turner Classic Movies), and TBS (Turner Broadcasting System).

In 1986, Ted made another daring acquisition by buying MGM/UA Entertainment Company for $1.5 billion, which included Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s library of more than 4,000 films. He set off a storm of protest when he authorized the “colorizing” of some of the black-and-white classics such as Casablanca and The Maltese Falcon. He also sold off most of MGM/UA’s assets to reduce his debt burden but kept its film library and production facilities. In 1996, he merged his company with Time Warner, one of the largest media and entertainment conglomerates in the world. He became the vice chairman and the largest individual shareholder of the merged entity, which also owned HBO, Warner Bros., and DC Comics.

However, Ted’s fortune and influence took a major hit when Time Warner merged with AOL, the leading internet service provider, in 2001. The deal was widely regarded as one of the worst mergers in history, as it resulted in massive losses, layoffs, lawsuits, and scandals for both companies. Ted lost as much as $7 billion when the stock price collapsed in the wake of the merger. He also lost his executive position and his board seat in 2003. He later expressed his regret and resentment over the merger, calling it a “big mistake” and blaming AOL’s executives for ruining his legacy. He also sold most of his shares in AOL Time Warner (later renamed Time Warner) by 2006.

Ted Turner was not only a media person but also a noted philanthropist and environmentalist. He donated some $1 billion to establish the United Nations Foundation in 1998. Turner has been recognized by Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century and by Fortune magazine as one of the greatest business leaders of all time.

Turner has also been known for making provocative and controversial statements that have offended or angered many people. For example, he once called Christianity “a religion for losers”, which he later apologized for. He also criticized Fox News as “propaganda”, called global warming “the most serious … problem that humanity has ever faced”, and suggested that men should be barred from political office for 100 years. He has also clashed with Rupert Murdoch, the owner of Fox News and a rival media tycoon, whom he challenged to a fistfight in 2003. Turner has said that he likes to speak his mind and stir up debate, but he has also acknowledged that he sometimes regrets his words and actions.

Ted Turner is a man who has lived a life full of passion, vision, innovation, and philanthropy. He has changed the face of media, sports, entertainment, and global affairs with his bold ideas and actions. He has also faced many hardships and controversies that have tested his character and resilience. He is a man who has made a difference in the world and inspired many others to do the same.

If You’re Seeing This, It Means YOU’RE NEXT!!! | Neville Goddard

Today, I’ll take you on a mystical journey of self-discovery, exploring the transformative power of visualization and the impact it can have on your life and the world around you.

Hello and welcome to Create Quantum Wealth, where we inspire you to manifest wealth and abundance. Join the future millionaires’ club by subscribing to this channel.

Throughout the ages, the human mind has been a beacon of wonder and awe, shaping our existence and molding the fabric of our lives. And one of the most intriguing concepts that has emerged from our fascination with the mind is the power of visualization.

Visualization is the mental act of picturing the desired outcome or goal in the mind’s eye. It’s not simply about imagination, but delving into the mystical depths of human consciousness, where thoughts become reality.

It’s a concept that has been recognized and practiced for centuries, from the ancient Greeks who believed in the power of eidetic memory to modern psychology, which has demonstrated that visualization is a vital component in the art of manifestation.

But why is visualization so powerful? Our perception of reality is shaped by the way we interpret the world around us. It’s not simply a passive process, but an active construction of our experiences.

In the words of the philosopher Emanuel Kant, our minds contribute to the structure of our experiences, suggesting that our understanding of reality is a synthesis of our perceptions and the innate workings of our minds.

And this is where the power of visualization becomes even more compelling. By focusing on a desired outcome and seeing it in the mind’s eye, we are essentially rewriting our own perceptions of reality, thereby influencing our experiences and altering the course of our lives.

The amazing thing is that this isn’t just some mystical concept. The fascinating phenomenon of visualization has captivated the attention of scientists and researchers for decades, and the evidence is clear: visualization can have a profound impact on our lives.

So if you want to achieve greatness, if you want to manifest your aspirations and dreams, then it’s time to tap into the power of visualization. Focus on what you want to achieve, see it in your mind’s eye, and watch as your perceptions of reality start to shift.

It’s a simple concept, but one that has the potential to transform your life in ways you never thought possible. So start visualizing today and see where it takes you!

Have you ever heard of the phrase, “What you visualize, you materialize?” Well, it turns out there’s actually some scientific evidence to back this up. In recent years, studies have shown that when we visualize something, our brain interprets it as a real event, creating neural pathways that can prime us for success.

That’s right. Our brain cannot distinguish between real experiences and vividly imagined ones. This discovery has led to the development of a scientific foundation for the power of visualization. And guess what? It’s not just athletes who can benefit from this technique.

Anyone can harness the power of visualization to achieve their goals and dreams. By visualizing a specific outcome and engaging all of our senses in the process, we can create a mental image that primes us for success. This technique can help us boost our confidence, enhance our physical abilities, and even alter our perceptions of reality.

But how do we start visualizing? Well, it all starts with cultivating a strong sense of self-belief. By recognizing our inherent potential and embracing the idea that we are capable of manifesting our dreams, we are better equipped to embark on the journey of self-realization.

So, here’s what you can do to harness the power of visualization. Start by setting clear and specific goals for yourself. Make sure your goals are achievable and measurable. Then, devote time each day to visualizing these goals in vivid detail. Engage all of your senses in the process and allow yourself to feel the emotions associated with the achievement of your dreams.

As you engage in this practice, you will gradually begin to shift your perceptions and alter your reality. You’ll start to see yourself receiving what you desire and embracing the mystical, philosophical, and scientific foundations of the mind’s eye.

In the words of the great philosopher and author, Henry David Thoreau, “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, live the life you have imagined.” The power of visualization is a testament to the boundless potential that lies within each of us. By seeing ourselves achieving what we desire, we can shape our lives into a reflection of our most profound aspirations.

We all have them – those goals and desires that we long to see come to fruition. But the road to achieving them can be bumpy and full of obstacles. That’s why it’s crucial to remember that our thoughts hold the key to our reality.

It’s all about cultivating a positive mindset and keeping our focus on our goals. Even when we face moments of doubt and fear, we need to keep pushing forward. With the power of visualization, we can overcome any challenge that stands in our way.

But manifesting our dreams isn’t just about personal success. It’s about recognizing the interconnectedness of all things and understanding that our actions have a ripple effect on the world around us. When we visualize not only our own success but also the betterment of others, we contribute to the collective consciousness and elevate the human experience.

The power of visualization is a transformative force that has the potential to reshape our lives and the world at large. It’s a gift from the cosmos, granting us the ability to shape our destiny and create a future that is brimming with possibility.

As we embark on this mystical journey of self-discovery, we need to remember that we’re not alone in our quest for greatness. We’re all part of a vast and intricate tapestry of existence woven together by the threads of our thoughts, intentions, and actions.

So, let’s harness the power of the mind’s eye and see ourselves receiving the bounty of our desires. Let’s create a future that is abundant with possibility and the realization of our highest potential. With the power of imagination and belief in ourselves, we can achieve the seemingly unattainable and bring our goals to life.

Thanks for tuning in, everyone! Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe to our channel for more inspiration and insights on the power of the mind. Until next time, keep dreaming and manifesting your best life!

MONEY WILL FLOW LIKE CRAZY! (How to Manifest Success & Riches) | Dr. Joe Dispenza

Imagine waking up every morning feeling grateful, loving life, and filled with passion. Imagine feeling so abundant and fulfilled that you no longer have to search for happiness because it feels like it’s already happened. That’s what it means to live a life of abundance, and it’s something that we all want, but how do we get there?

Well, it all starts with a vision. When you have a vision that truly resonates with you, it creates a feeling that’s almost indescribable. It’s a visceral feeling that’s so strong, no person, no thing, and no experience will stand in the way between you and that vision. And when you feel that feeling, you’ll be initiated by the universe into wealth, health, and freedom.

Hello and welcome to Create Quantum Wealth, where we inspire you to manifest wealth and abundance. Join the future millionaires’ club by subscribing to this channel.

All those cars, homes, and other material possessions are just symbols of what abundance looks like. They help you associate with the feeling of abundance, but they’re not the end goal. For some people, abundance means having more than they need and being happy with that. For others, it’s about having everything they want. There’s no right or wrong way to approach it.

The key is to associate those material things with the feeling of abundance and use them as tools to help you get into an emotional state of already having achieved your goals. It’s not about waiting for those things to happen to feel better. It’s about feeling better now so that you can draw those experiences to you.

Your thoughts and your feelings create your state of being. If you wake up in the morning and start thinking about all the problems in your life, you’ll feel unhappy, bitter, and frustrated. Your body will be in the past, and you’ll create a state of being that’s connected to your past. You’ll crave the predictable future and fall back into routine.

But wait. Pause here for a minute & pay close attention. We’re going to introduce to you a technique, practicing which, day after day, you’ll start to see a difference in your life. You’ll start feeling better, more energized, and more fulfilled.

We want you to get clear on your vision of the future and combine that clear intention with an elevated emotion. The stronger the emotion you feel from the vision you’re creating, the more you’ll pay attention to the pictures in your mind. You’ll remember your future, and biologically, it’s exactly the same as remembering your past.

If you’re not being defined by a vision in the future, it means you’re making your past more real than your future. You’re falling in love with your past, and you’re believing in your past more than your future. When you get to that moment where you have that feeling, that’s your compass. That feeling is going to drive your behaviors and more of those thoughts. 

So, there you have it. The state of being and the importance of emotions in achieving your goals. Use those material things as tools to help you get into an emotional state of already having achieved your goals. Remember, it’s not about waiting for those things to happen to feel better. It’s about feeling better now so that you can draw those experiences to you. 

It’s crazy to think that losing internet connection or having a phone that doesn’t work can lead to frustration and anger within just 20 seconds. But that’s the reality we’re living in. We’re used to having things done quickly and efficiently, without having to put in too much effort.

However, it’s important to remember that creating something out of nothing takes patience and effort. It’s not just about the end result, but the steps you take to get there. You need to be out of the bleachers and on the field, giving it your all every day, and overcoming challenges. It’s about keeping your energy up and not letting external circumstances affect your inner drive.

Many times, we blame others for our own failures, whether it’s our boss, co-worker, or ex. But in reality, we’re just victimizing ourselves and not taking responsibility for our own lives. It’s important to learn from our mistakes and take control of our own energy and attention. This learning process is the most important, as it helps us clear out room for the next creation to be easier.

Emotions are energy in motion, and we share the same experiences and emotions with others. It’s easy to get caught up in negativity and use others to reaffirm our attachment to negative emotions. But in order to break free from that negative energy, we need to use a greater energy that’s stronger than what’s holding us together.

That’s where consciousness and awareness come in. Changing our energy requires a change in our level of consciousness, and once we change our energy, we change our lives. So let’s take responsibility for our own energy and attention, and let’s break free from the victim mindset. Remember, it’s not about falling off the horse, it’s about getting back on and keeping going.

We all have that one person who we just can’t stand, or who always seems to rub us the wrong way. But have you ever stopped to think about why that is? Maybe it’s because they remind us of a part of ourselves that we don’t like – our addiction to judgment, resentment, or even hatred.

But the thing is, these people and situations in our lives are only there to remind us of who we used to be. They’re not permanent, and they don’t have to define us. In fact, when we start doing the work to change ourselves, these people and situations will naturally fade away, because we no longer need them to reaffirm our negative patterns.

It’s not always easy, though. Sometimes we’re not even aware that we’re doing it – we spend hours visualizing our ideal future, only to sabotage ourselves by slipping back into old patterns of victimization and suffering. But when we start to become aware of these unconscious patterns, and actively work to change them, that’s when things really start to shift.

It’s not just about changing ourselves, though. By changing ourselves, we can actually help others around us to change too. It might be uncomfortable at first, but when we stop reacting to negative behavior and instead choose to respond from a place of positivity and understanding, it can be a game-changer.

So why wait? Why wait until things get so bad that we have no choice but to change? The next time you’re feeling emotionally overwhelmed, take that as a sign to start becoming more self-aware. Put down your phone, turn off the TV, and take some time to really reflect on your patterns and behaviors.

Because the truth is, we all have the power to change. We just have to be willing to do the work. 

Now, imagine waking up every day with a clear intention and an elevated emotion. Imagine feeling a sense of joy and gratitude that fills you up from the inside out. When you change your emotional state to be elevated, you can see the world from a completely different perspective. You can see your old self from an elevated point of view, and become more state conscious than from a limited point of view.

And that’s what we all want, right? We want to live a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment. We want to be our best selves, and show up for our friends, family, and community. So, what do you have to lose? When you start to change, people may start to wonder what’s up with you. Did you change your medication? What’s different about you? But that’s okay, because you’re not predictable anymore.

And that’s the beauty of this technique. When you’re changing, you just stop talking about it. You’re too busy being it. And as you practice this technique, day after day, you’ll start to see a difference in your life. You’ll start feeling better, more energized, and more fulfilled. And it’s not just about feeling good, it’s about making an impact on the world around you.

As you begin to open your heart to life again and trust in your future, you start to self-regulate with your heart. You lead from that place, from that level of awareness. And that’s when your life will change in dramatic ways.

Now, let’s talk about oxytocin, also known as the love hormone. When you practice this technique and elevate your emotional state, your oxytocin levels can increase up to 200 times outside of normal. And the latest research on oxytocin shows that even a slight elevation can make it impossible to hold a grudge.

Think about that for a moment. When you feel amazing, why would you want to hold a grudge against anyone? Forgiveness then becomes a natural side effect of saying, “I don’t want to give up this feeling for you or anybody. So, I’m letting you go, I’m free, and you’re free.”

As you become more aware of your emotional state and practice this technique, you’ll start to experience the natural state of being. This is the place where your heart is open, and you’re free to live your life with purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

So, let’s knock on that door together. Let’s rise above our limitations and become our best selves. Let’s show up for our friends, family, and community, and make an impact on the world around us.