Neville Goddard | Once You Apply This …You Will Manifest Large Sums Of Money – Law Of Attraction

Are you struggling to see any results despite trying various methods to manifest your desires? Neville Goddard’s three-step method for manifestation is highly recommended as the most effective technique. To accelerate the manifestation process, ensure that you watch this video until the end to avoid making any mistakes while practising the method. 

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As per Neville Goddard’s law of assumption, your thoughts, beliefs, and imagination shape your reality. Your thoughts and imagination have a significant impact on your life and dictate what unfolds next. Many people tend to attribute negative events to external factors or other people, but the truth is, it is often our own assumptions and thoughts that cause us the most harm.

Neville Goddard suggests that by changing our imagination, assumptions, and thoughts, we have the power to transform our reality and entire life. Our actions are influenced by our thoughts, which means that changing our thoughts can lead to better decision-making and improved life outcomes. However, altering our thoughts, beliefs, and imagination is not an easy task. Our beliefs are formed by what we see and observe, and past experiences can shape our subconscious mind, which affects our present and future. It is challenging to prevent our past from impacting our reality.

To manifest our desires, we must remove negative thoughts and beliefs resulting from our past experiences and cultivate positive, desired thoughts in our subconscious mind. This involves identifying and eliminating unnecessary negative thoughts and fostering fresh and positive thoughts that will enable us to make better decisions and choices. By doing so, we can transform our entire life and manifest whatever we desire.

I would like to share with you Neville Goddard’s method for easily and quickly manifesting your desires. Neville Goddard was a renowned manifestation teacher and mystical author. This method comprises three steps. 

The first step in this process is to create a scene related to your goal that you want to manifest. Let’s say your goal is to buy a car, so you will need to create a scene that depicts what happens after you have bought the car you want.

It’s essential to create a scene that feels real to your mind. Our minds can differentiate between reality and fiction, so it’s crucial to make the scene as realistic as possible. For instance, you can imagine yourself driving the car you’ve bought, feeling happy, and receiving congratulations from your family, friends, and colleagues. You can also visualise yourself visiting your favourite places in your new car. The scene should include details like your surroundings, emotions, feelings, and everything that’s happening around you.

To make the scene effective, make sure it’s not too complex and that it portrays yourself realistically. How would you react when your friends congratulate you on buying your dream car? What would you say in response? By creating a scene that feels real, your mind will start accepting the new belief, which will eventually help you manifest your desire.

Let me guide you through the second step, which is crucial in manifesting your desires. Step number two requires you to visualise the scene you have created in the previous step. Visualisation involves using your imagination to bring your desired thoughts to life and turn them into actions that can lead to manifestation.

There are numerous techniques available for visualising your desired scene, and you can choose any method that suits you best. The main objective is to make the scene appear as real as possible in your mind. You can find a quiet spot outside, close your eyes, and start visualising, or you can utilise any other method that you prefer. However, Neville Goddard recommends using his SATS (State Akin To Sleep) technique, which is widely used and considered to be the best approach for visualisation.

SATS is a meditative state that slows down your conscious mind, making it easier to visualise your desires. By imagining your desired scene, you can access this state at any time of the day by following a simple technique to enter into this state. Alternatively, you can practise this technique before going to bed every night because it is easier to enter this state when you are tired, and your mind is less resistant to new thoughts. That’s why experts suggest visualising the scene at night. However, you can also practise the SATS technique while sitting on a chair.

Let’s explore the process of entering a meditative state now. If you are practising this technique at night, make sure you are alone and fully relaxed. Begin by closing your eyes and taking a few long, deep breaths. As you exhale, feel yourself becoming more and more relaxed. Use your imagination to enter into a meditative state, and imagine as if everything is happening right now. Observe the scene, the words being used, and the tone of voice. Internalise it and treat it like a real experience. Your mind may try to distract you, but bring yourself back into the scene and visualise it again. Imagine that you are doing what you want to do and feel as though you are truly in the scene. Use the scene you have created to imagine and experience your desire. Repeat this process until you fall asleep, and practise it daily for faster results. 

Neville Goddard said that once your imagination is accepted as reality by your mind, you will manifest your desire. Relax fully before entering the meditative state, and the more you visualise during this state, the faster your desire will be imprinted on your subconscious mind. The time it takes to impress your subconscious mind varies from person to person, depending on the nature of the desire and the visualisation technique. Consistency is key for quicker manifestation. The effectiveness of your scene and the presence of limiting thoughts in your subconscious mind can also impact the manifestation process. If you have any limiting thoughts, use positive affirmations to eliminate them.

Suppose an individual has experienced past relationship trauma. In that case, reprogramming their mind may require more time and effort than someone who has had positive relationships previously. If you do not notice any changes in your reality, it could mean that you have not yet impressed your subconscious mind or that negative beliefs, assumptions, or limiting thoughts are blocking your manifestation. In such a scenario, it is essential to identify and eliminate your limiting thoughts before attempting this technique.

That concludes today’s video. If you found it helpful, please subscribe and click the bell icon. Feel free to share your thoughts or ideas by leaving a comment below the video. See you in the next one!

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