You know what stands between you and success today? Your mind-set, your perception.

You are laid back because you believe that things will happen naturally if they are supposed to happen. You have un-prioritized yourself because you don’t want a reality check. You have undervalued your existence because you know that if you desire for more, you will have to act on it.

You believe that success is a long shot in this cut-throat competition because you are afraid. You are afraid to hustle. You know you will have to work hard and get disciplined to achieve greatness. You won’t have excuses to make because you will be accountable for your life. Staying stationary feels comfortable. So instead of taking up the challenge and achieving milestones, you find comfort in sitting back and dwelling on what could have been. Instead of bringing a change in your life, you settle for wishing that your life would change. You want success to fall on your lap while you sit on that couch, pondering over the possibilities of a good life and complaining about things gone wrong.

But guess what, it doesn’t really work that way.

The fear, the comfort zone, everything is in your mind.

Life doesn’t change when you are comfortable. You have to be absolutely uncomfortable to desperately want change and desperation makes you work towards your goals. This desperation of wanting to achieve something, changes your mindset and when your mind is set, there is no stopping you. You have to start moving to cover the distance. You can’t stand still and expect to cross mountains. Stillness is death and death is absolute.

Either get up and change the things that you do or stay in the frustration of not being able to do anything. You have the power to choose and it is common sense to choose the best. A decision as simple as getting a paper and making a plan can change your life in a split second. It is not the plan that changes your life but because now your mind-set has changed, your life will definitely follow suit.

When you become passionate about making the best out of this one life, you start to look at the bigger picture. Then you are left with no option but to move, upwards and onwards. Look around yourself right now, this very exact moment is your own. You own it. You can do anything with it. You may not have a sponsorship, profit or popularity right away but you will never have them if you do not start. When you want something, you reach out and get it.

You change your mindset.
You hustle.


Motivation can only get you started. It is habits that keep you going. What you need is a routine in your life. Most of us don’t have any schedule for doing the things we want to do. So we randomly pick up anything anytime and then we bore ourselves to death. It so happens that you have important unfinished tasks which need your attention but which you’re not doing because there is no time because you never made time for those tasks.

Here is what you need:


On the first list, write down all your goals, pending tasks, things you want to do/ accomplish. On the second list, take inventory of how you’re spending your time everyday for one full week. Do not push yourself this first week. Just observe yourself as to how you run & keep recording on your 2nd list how you spend your time every hour for this one week.


Now put both the above lists together and see where your time is going and how much of your time is actually spent on things you wrote on list 1. Then, divide your days into time-slots. Say, work, workout, morning, evening, before bed, etc. All these are slots in a day that you will fill with activities of 1st list. Make sure to keep one day a week for leisure/ rest/ rejuvenating yourself, because the idea is to hustle hard on rest of the six days so that you can achieve more and get things done. Use a reminder app on your smartphone and schedule time for everything from sleeping to taking bath, evening walks, workouts, and everything else you do. Make sure you have a specific time for everything so that everyday, you know what you’re going to do every hour. Also take time out once a week to pre plan your week, preferably Sunday. Spend 2-3 hours planning your week every Sunday. Inform your friends and family members when you’ll be available for them and that they should not disturb you any other time unless it is a super emergency.

Claim your time. Claim your life.
Good luck!

P.S. Always modify your schedule as and when required. Nothing is permanent and when you’ll see great results from the above methods, you’ll want to get ultra productive and customize your schedule for optimum results.